This blog is for everyone,
For those who care about our world,
And for those who see it as something to exploit.
For those who believe global warming is happening,
And for those who don’t.
It is for those who can see the destruction of our natural environment,
And for those who see it as merely part of human progress.
It is for those who still have hope,
And for those who have lost all hope.
It is for those who are too busy just trying to exist,
And for the global expansionist, and giant corporations.
It is for the believer,
And the denier.
It is for our children
And future generations,
To know we tried and cared.

The blog is split into five categories:

Poetry of Dilemma
Poems of protest, challenge, fear and hope for our fragile world.
The Piercing Eye
Artwork – Eyes from the wild; staring, accusing, framed by human detritus. Human and yet artificial eyes, showing our severed link with nature.
Taking Responsibility
Looking at the environmental catastrophes we choose to ignore or forget through verse and fact.
Ways of Balance
How do we each try to redress the balance rather than leave our future to those in power.
River Bank Tales
Stories of daily life along a riverbank.