
Written after the BBC revealed in February that large parts of the Amazon Rainforest are being illegally sold on Facebook.
Despite its reach, power and wealth, currently Facebook has refused to take action over the selling.
With a net worth of $527 billion, (that’s $527,000,000,000), and 3.3 billion users using one of its products every month, we should ask ourselves, has greed become everything for this company at our planets’ expense. Should we allow a company like this to become unaccountable for its actions just because we use their apps, and if we react, we might be prevented from using ‘their’ platforms.

On you, we call time,
You, server of people,
Face and space provider
Voice of the world.
You’re no longer trending.
A new profile name
You deserve,
I call you
‘The Great Colluder
World Abuser’

I post message
To all you users
Time to unlike your provider,
As you post thoughts and pics’
Of dogs and dinner.
‘Ticker’ says,
Real time event!
Vast forests are falling,
Wake up!
See through thin veneer,
Your providers’ colluding.

Amazon Forest,
Fast selling.
On Facebook,
Highest bidders’ buying.
Post it to page,
Pin it to top,
Tell the Story of our rage,
Tag your friends,
Post your views.
‘To what end?’
‘The chainsaw’s stop.’

Unfriend this leviathan
Whose profile picture,
Should be the burning
Of your children’s future.
Notification, just in,
With great profit,
Social responsibility slips,
Moral obligation slides.
‘What, Our duty? Bahh,
All this guilt is wearing thin.’
But your total Likes are descending.

Facebook, take heed,
We serve you notice.
Reset your timeline.
Be not a destroyer
Of world’s greatest forest,
Of the air we breathe,
Of indigenous people,
Of children’s future,
Of the planet you inhabit.
Else, Milestone become Tombstone.

Right click, delete.

For more in-depth information on the illegal selling of huge areas of the Amazon Rainforest read the BBC article written by Joao Fellet & Charlotte Pamment


Then make your voice heard. Tell them you don’t approve on Facebook; they can’t ban everyone it would be too costly for them! Tell them that they have a collective responsibility to ensure they leave an inhabitable world for their children.

For those who don’t know – some Facebook Terminology

Your Profile
Collection of stories, photos, and pictures that tell your story.
Similar to an email message, they appear in your Facebook inbox.
A tag links a person, Page or place to something you post.
Facebook Posts are public messages posted to a Facebook user’s entire audience or on a person’s specific Profile Page or ‘Wall’.
Clicking Like gives positive feedback.
Is to reverse the above and provide negative feedback.
Positioned on the right-hand side of your homepage, it is updated with your friend’s activities in real time.
Your timeline is where you can see your posts displayed by date.
Trending shows you a list of what topics and hashtags are popular and have recently spiked.
The number of times your page was viewed.
When you add someone as a Friend, you automatically follow that person, and they automatically follow you.
A person does not receive any type of notification if you unfriend them on Facebook.
Special type of page that let’s you highlight key moments in your timeline. Used to share important events.
Pin it to Top
Any post you pin will move to the top of your Page’s timeline and a pin icon will appear in the top right corner of your post.
Facebook Stories are short user-generated photo or video collections that can be uploaded to the user’s Facebook